The psychology of electronic commerce through 6 consumer attitudes

Social purchases have their own psychology because the thoughts that support the work of shopping, playing in turn with our cognitive prejudices. Psychologists have defined six important rules present in the psychology of consumers and how they are applied in the life of social commerce and electronic commerce.

Experiences . When we observe what others do or how they solve a personal problem that can generate some indecision, we usually take other opinions and experiences as references. In the case of social commerce, this occurs when we consult friends and family to help us make a decision. 81% of consumers accept and follow these tips before buying a product.

Influence . We usually follow people who have authority and influence. It is something innate. In social commerce, is what we influence online searches, product reviews in blogs, YouTube, Twitter or Facebook. 77% of consumers rely on reviews to make a purchase decision.

Shortage . Instinctively, we assign greater value to resources when they are less available, for fear of potential loss. In the case of e-commerce, we find it with exclusive offers, which usually have a certain period or sell out quickly. 77% of people like to receive exclusive offers.

Admiration . We want to emulate and we agree with the people we admire and find attractive. In e-commerce, we see it in consumers who make a purchase motivated by a recommendation from a person related to us in a social network. 50% of users make a purchase based on it.

Trust and loyalty . When we have doubts, we usually choose the option that is more consistent, based on our past or beliefs. The vast majority of purchases are made in brands that we know perfectly and have shown us over time that they are trusted. 62% of online shoppers are loyal to a brand.

Reciprocity . We have an innate desire to return favors or because they return them to us. In e-commerce we see this when we share exclusive offers and promotions and the proof that this interests us is that 25 billion content of products are shared only on Facebook

The following infographic developed by TabJuice, offers us a more graphic vision on all these aspects and attitudes of the consumer.

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