Any strategy that desires to be successful in Social Media must count on having a good dose of quality content. This is the main course that users demand when it comes to meeting their needs...
Social Media is a place where small companies can compete with larger ones on equal terms. This means does not understand of high or low budgets, but of effective strategies and objectives fulfilled; So it is...
To this day and after many readings of articles on Social Media, I am still surprised that there is talk of success in Social Media linked to SMEs. I have the feeling of reading many times the...
The rules of the game have changed and we want to propose 15 tips to take into account if we want our website to be positioned at the top of the search engines without...
Social networks are an excellent platform for establishing different types of relationships: finding family, friends of childhood, people with common interests, professional relationships, etc. What’s more, it usually gives us a lot of envy...
One of the fundamental aspects of a business when facing the online marketing universe is to establish a plan to enter social networks, which as we know most of the time, is usually a...
In the current information society the Internet has become the main showcase of every company. It is essential to have a functional and attractive website that provides navigators with access to information. This information must be...
Most of us have heard the expression “practice makes perfect. This has been demonstrated in thousands of studies on the effect of the learning curve and cumulative experience curve in different areas of life. Basically comes...
In these times and in the society in which we are living there is a very real concern that our small neighborhood businesses have. Now that the freedom of time exists for all businesses both...
Games have become the most popular mobile application within the Millennial Media data and advertising platform. The company has just released a special report with data on major games and devices used to play. The...