eBay will acquire the local advertising provider
eBay, the largest free classified ads portal, moves not to lose the trail of new technologies and the rise of the internet and mobile commerce with a new strategic acquisition.
eBay, the largest free classified ads portal, moves not to lose the trail of new technologies and the rise of the internet and mobile commerce with a new strategic acquisition.
Most inventions can be sourced back to a single inventor. A person whose name goes down in history as the brains and inspiration behind a ground-breaking idea or product. TV, however, did not come...
If you are a business owner, you will know that reducing as many overheads as possible is vital. Owning a business means paying out multiple insurance premiums on various aspects of the firm; however,...
You already know that a website is an essential marketing tool in the modern digital era, but simply having an online presence is not enough to attract visitors and encourage them to make a...
Forrester Research has published a report in which it basically tells us that at this moment Facebook is not entirely effective in boosting e-commerce sales. “The study found that the average Facebook metric in terms...
A new study by BtoB magazine indicates that Social Media Marketing is increasing among companies and commercial brands. As expected, the LinkedIn professional network is cited as the top platform for many of the respondents....
People send things by courier every day, including valuable items like gifts for loved ones, expensive technology, or goods with high sentimental value. This practice has been around for centuries, but people rarely give...
One of the market research tools most commonly used to determine consumers’ purchasing preferences and attitudes is the “Conjoint Analysis”. Since its first development, more than 40 years ago, Conjoint’s techniques have continuously evolved...
Social networks are not, a priori, the best advertising support for SMEs. This is one of the conclusions exposed by Rubén Iglesias, CEO of Conteneo, in his presentation on advertising strategies for SMEs that took...
Having a courier company you can rely on that offer a quick efficient and professional service is essential for any business. Bad service can affect your company’s reputation and ultimately the success of your...