Monthly Archive: September 2016

Why many businesses lose money with Social Media 0

Why many businesses lose money with Social Media

Although users love social networks, they do not go to it to make decisions. Large companies explore their massive reach, but without much effect on sales. I love social networks because they have changed the...

The Community Manager, a beautiful mind 0

The Community Manager, a beautiful mind

Surely many remember that movie “A Beautiful Mind” (A Beautiful Mind).Based on a biographical drama starring actor Russell Crowe, her story inspired by the novel by Sylvia Nasar, nominated for the Pulitzer Prize in...

Interesting Trends in the Materials Handling Sector 0

Interesting Trends in the Materials Handling Sector

These are some of the surprising trends in materials handling that will shape industrial applications in the immediate future and longer term. Image Credit 1. The Internet of Things The idea of intelligent materials...

8 Keys of effective lead generation campaign 0

8 Keys of effective lead generation campaign

Prospecting campaigns accounts have become one of the key to generating leads within organizations with B2B business activities. The objectives pursued are on the one hand, obtaining qualified account information, key people, structures, projects and...

Strategic Marketing: Emotions or coupons? 0

Strategic Marketing: Emotions or coupons?

Customer Experience covers many aspects and elements. Physical or material Customer Experience: price, product, location, hours, plus the channel that uses: physical or online store functions. And a critical defining aspect Customer Experience: emotional....

Searching through the client and P2P Geomarketing 0

Searching through the client and P2P Geomarketing

Iron Maiden records using Bit Torrent to plan his concert tours The commercial strategy is reduced to that phrase. After the analysis download torrents to organize their concerts became public, came a series of denials,...