eBay Stores: The Good, the Bad and the Cosmetically Challenged

Auction giant eBay is responsible for running one of the oldest and most respected e-commerce platforms on the planet.

eBay Stores

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Because eBay is flexible and open for third parties to harness, it has helped businesses and individuals to make their mark over the years. And it is still innovating by introducing headline-grabbing services, such as a resale program for unwanted Christmas gifts.

Even major firms such as Nintendo have their own eBay stores, indicating the power and reach that this retail brand retains today.

If you are thinking of adding an eBay-powered store to your site, there are some important things to take into consideration. It should be obvious that eBay store designs are very important, for example, but there are many firms that get even the basics wrong.

So while you can get assistance from experts such as www.frooition.com, it is a good idea to improve your understanding of the basics before you dive into eBay store adoption.

The Good

There is no need to start from scratch when building an eBay store, as you should not be shy about using templates to help build the basic framework. Just make sure that the service you choose also offers customisation capabilities, or you could end up with a generic-looking store that fails to ignite the interest of visitors.

Also remember that a well-designed store needs to feature prominent branding for your own business as well as excellent product images that are eye-catching and detailed enough to give the user confidence in your site.

The Bad and the Ugly

The worst thing that a modern eBay store can do is fail to meet the needs of mobile visitors, because the majority of web browsing is now done from smartphones and tablets, with almost a third of eBay sales generated by portable platforms. This means that if sites with eBay stores are not integrated with the mobile app and also responsively designed to work well and look good on desktop monitors and touchscreen displays alike, then they will not live up to expectations in terms of sales.

Ugly eBay stores will also suffer from an awkward balance between images, text and interface elements. So you want to avoid using low-res images, flooding the page with copy or using confusing menus and buttons.

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