How to manage a bad comment in Social Networks?
Not long ago we spoke in another article of the opportunity for us and for our brand that could suppose a bad comment exposed on the part of some member of our community in some social network, since that allows us to demonstrate that we are able to manage it satisfactorily for the client and for us, and, in addition, it provides us with a solvent and involved brand image with the consumer, with the audience, granting us the, worth the redundancy, brand image and trustworthy.
As we have already mentioned, a bad comment on social networks is not the end of the world, but a beginning that may be more than promising for us.
We will never fully satisfy our audience, since they will always see a discordant voice complaining for some reason. It never rains to everyone’s taste, but we can make that discontented voice become a great evangelizer of our brand thanks to the good management of the complaint or the bad comment we make.
Let’s put a case. We are the Community Manager of a brand that sells electric guitars and, monitoring, we find that a client has written us a comment in which he says he has received a guitar at home that when plugged into the amplifier does not sound, and that we have given him a product defective. What would we do?
The first commandment is: “You will keep calm before all things”.
Then, we will move the comment to the relevant responsible or, ideally, to the crisis team that has been constituted for these cases, with which we will decide the strategy to follow. Before the crisis cabinet can make a decision, our work as Community Managers is fundamental, since we must monitor the user to find out if he has more profiles in more social networks, with which he will be able to present his complaint in more channels, and how many fans-friends-has in each, since this will depend on your complaint or criticism can be viralized more or less quickly.
Next, we will personally contact the user through the same channel in which he has communicated with us, and, publicly, we will answer him.
The answer will depend on the crisis team, and, depending on your decision we can choose between trying to perform all the procedures publicly so that other users see that we get involved to solve the problem, or, most advisable, try to take the user to the private, to the email, requesting that you write us to be able to attend you in a more personal and private way.
It may seem that, if we do it this way, we will not give transparency image or solve the problems of the audience, but, think that, if we visit the page of a brand and we find many problems exposed with the response from the mark: “write to us …” and the bad comments do not continue, that means that the problems have been solved satisfactorily. That gives confidence in the brand.
Many companies do not want to enter Social Networks for the mere fact of not wanting to turn their walls into spaces enabled for customers to complain and criticize, but, that is not the end of the world, nor the end of the brand, but a start to create a more than positive relationship between brand and client.
And you, have you ever complained in Social Networks? Have you received any complaints? How have you managed it?