The web and email, essential in companies online strategies
One of the aspects that most concern companies when evaluating not only the investment to be made, but the possibility of effectively measuring the return of it, are marketing campaigns.
According to a study developed by the publication BtoB Magazine, for the brands it is still complex the effective measurement of the results obtained with online marketing campaigns comparatively with traditional marketing, although this much more expensive initially.
According to the survey conducted 69% think that marketing is essential to achieve customers, investment in social media will increase by 78% while 44% bet on generation of new opportunities and 36% by email marketing campaigns.
Online Marketing companies are the ones who will increase their spending items followed by social media in 2011.
More than two thirds of online marketing campaigns were used in December with the main objective of achieving brand penetration and increasing reputation, however, despite the number of customers that are achieved thanks to a campaign of B2B marketing, there are still many companies and sectors whose brands have no presence in social networks.
During the 2018 financial year, social networks, Web portals and e-mail received 10% of the spending on B2B marketing strategies of the brands, however the largest investments were made in video and image … it is not surprising if we take into account that the growth of technology is vertiginous and Web 3.0 is already here.