10 lessons in eCommerce that every company should learn
ECommerce or e-commerce is currently in a special element of proliferation, growth and consolidation. Much more will be what we get the future according to advance the times, however, eCommerce is already a reality that has managed to win the confidence of consumers.
However, for companies that venture into this new world of possibilities, there are many important aspects that should be known and taken into account. For this reason, from brandlive, they offer us ’10 lessons learned after 10 years in eCommerce ‘that will surely be useful and useful.
Lesson # 1: This will be more difficult and more expensive than you think.
This lesson is particularly important for new executives of the online channel, many of whom have little knowledge regarding the level of effort and investment necessary to build and sustain an online or multi-channel company. This is because the implementation of eCommerce does not only require technology, but also employees, strategy, analysis, design, programming, marketing, marketing and continuous improvement. Many of the “Rescue 911” are the result of the lack of investment in critical areas of electronic commerce.
Lesson # 2: This will take more time than you think.
Online commerce moves, develops and evolves at great speed, but that does not mean that the return on investment or increase in sales will be instantaneous. If you expect profits in the short term, you should ask yourself: “Why do I think the return on investment will come soon? Do I have data and perspectives to validate those expectations?” It is right to want and try to make a profit as quickly as possible , but ambition must be accompanied by a sustainable and progressive plan to obtain tangible income and achievements.
Lesson # 3: You must receive instruction on how to run a digital business, be it a B2C or B2B solution.
The good news is that the e-commerce industry is full of large conferences, communities and diverse sources of information, many of them free and / or low cost. The disconcerting thing is that too many executives do not take advantage of them. Subscribe to newsletters, follow industry experts on Twitter, attend seminars, read articles related to online market industry and technical documents and spend a lot of time browsing the sites you admire. Just when you think you’ve seen and read a lot, you should see and read a little more. You will be surprised how quickly they change and reinvent the new technologies in the Online channel, whether mobile devices, tablets, social, or others. You must understand which are the most important indicators for your business and how they work.
Lesson # 4: This will affect all areas and all channels of your organization and your business.
If you ask any experienced retailer, what kind of changes your organization has experienced, he will tell you that the changes have been substantial and that they have been reflected in each and every one of the operational and commercial aspects (facing the client) of the company. Be prepared for conflict and to make difficult decisions. You will have to develop a strategic vision when integrating your organization into a digital platform. Also, you must become a sort of “digital evangelist” within your company and take the rest of your employees for an exciting ride, which at times can be stormy but for others, can be brilliant.
Lesson # 5: Knowing which person to hire and what position to assign within the organization is fundamental.
Hire people who understand the digital business and have clear the rules that govern the online market. They are hard to find, but there are still several out there. Then “mix” these people together with the best and brightest minds within your company, stir and Eureka! You will obtain a competent, complementary and efficient team to carry out your online business. Then make sure to communicate the incorporation of the company to the online market to all managers and members of the organization, as this change will influence the future of your company. Everyone must understand and “befriend” the vision and objectives of the online project, to be encouraged by it and translate it in the different areas of the institution, in customer services and in each of the communication channels. (Return to Lesson # 1,
Lesson # 6: The traditional laws of the retail industry are still valid.
Having an attractive and efficient web site is very good. But even better is to have a product of excellent quality, a shocking merchandising, an effective marketing strategy, an attentive customer service staff and a growing brand loyalty by customers. Complement these laws with eCommerce yes, but forget them never!
Lesson # 7: There will be distractions, which is essential to have a strategy and keep it in the long term.
Having a solid vision and strategy for an eCommerce project will help you determine which ideas are worth running and which “look like gold but do not shine”. It must be open to all kinds of ideas and possibilities, but must acquire the necessary discipline to prioritize and say “no” when something is not at all convenient. (Note: read again Lesson # 1 – the strategic level usually fails even in the planning of the most important retailers)
Lesson # 8: The customer is already ahead of you, and, probably, so are your competitors.
There are still Executives who say, confident: “our client is not aware of the new Internet technologies” to which we respond: “do not be fooled”. Your customers (young and old, rich and not so rich) already buy online, from your computer, your laptop, netbook, tablet or mobile. They still can not buy you online, but their desire grows every day, fueled by the enthusiastic users who have already purchased products online, and they have done well!
Yes, you will have to run to catch up, but that will give you less work than not joining the race.
Lesson # 9: The longer you wait, the harder and more expensive it will be.
The barriers to entry to the “Online Empire” are often knocked down due to advances in technology. But, at the same time, as the complexity and sophistication of the digital world evolve, customer expectations grow and evolve too! (If you still did not realize this, re-read the previous lesson).
Lesson # 10: This will be more fun than anything you have done.
In spite of the hard previous lessons and many others that you will learn along the way, we assure you that there is not a single eCommerce Executive who has not become totally addicted to the speed and excitement of managing online businesses. We admit to being addicted and fanatics too, for which we intend to evangelize eCommerce throughout Latin America.