The Content is The King
A term widely known in the Anglo-Saxon marketing is “The Content Is A King”, Internet is used as a powerful means of obtaining information by most visitors so that without a doubt on the Internet the Content Is and Will Always be the King.
This is why the most important thing for a visitor is to obtain the information that they are looking for, and that is why it is important for your website to have the content you are looking for.
The more useful and interesting the content that you offer to your visitors, the more important and “appetizing” your website will be for Google, in addition if you are constantly adding more relevant content to your market niche, either in the form of articles, news or what your visitors need, offering updated content periodically your visitors will be tied to it and wish to visit it continuously.
Content is the most important thing on a website, it is undoubtedly the “hook” that attracts visitors to it, and that thanks to the qualification obtained by that content that you offer, and if it is considered “Quality Content” in that same degree those visitors will perceive and qualify your products or services as “Quality Products or Services”.
Google is “crazy” content and made more than 80% of searches for information on the network. The objective of Google, is that its users find the information of “higher quality” that they are looking for, and rewards the sites that offer that quality information, giving them the first positions in their search results.
Being in the top 20 positions in Google results, generates many visits. This qualified traffic is a powerful reason to focus on offering these visitors relevant and quality content, because nobody will visit your website unless they are specifically looking for your products or services.
Now you know the tremendous importance of quality content for generating traffic segmented to your target market, but do you know how to generate that relevant content for your visitors and potential customers?
How to Generate Relevant Content
For your visitors, the most important content is the original content, the content that is different and unique and that has nothing to do with others that you have seen on other websites.
If that content you offer is very interesting, it will benefit your site and reward it with loyal visitors, but to awaken that interest in visitors is not an easy task, especially since most websites only have unattractive content for most of them. and the competition is now much greater today than 2 years ago, but writing quality content is more important today than it was a couple of years ago, because they generate that vital fluid “blood” for your business that is no other than a traffic very segmented and highly qualified and also your visitors will perceive your personality as a writer, will position you as their expert in that specific topic that is of your total interest, and most importantly you earn their trust, which will make them trust you and in your products or services,In order to write quality content you must follow certain rules:
- You must write articles, or edit a newsletter that are directly related to your market niche (This guarantees that visitors who read your content are also possible potential customers interested in buying your product or services
- If possible, it should be original content, or focused in a novel way.
- It must be very interesting and informative
- They should be easy to understand
- You must take care that they do not have spelling errors (spelling mistakes give an unprofessional image of your website)
- If you use terms that you think your visitors do not know, you should explain their meaning
If you do not feel capable of writing relevant content for your market niche you will always have the possibility of publishing content from other authors of your same target market in exchange for not modifying them and putting a link to your website and your credits as the original author.
Conclusion: A Google the relevant content and quality “crazy and are very appetizing” which is a very important part to develop on your website, no doubt is the “hook” that attracts loyal visitors day after day, With what your products or services will be put in front of the eyes of your potential customers, this relationship of mutual benefit will bring you more sales, so you must update your website as often as you can, periodically add quality content, and remember The Content Is and Will Always Be The King.