Easy yarn crafts for kids to try

All kids have a natural interest in creative arts and it’s a great time for them to experiment with different materials, crafts, ideas and projects. Yarn crafts can work particularly well because they offer a number of benefits to children.

Firstly, yarn crafts have been proven to boost creative thinking, provide stress relief, aid focus and help to create positive self-esteem. They are also great for nimble little fingers that love to work on complex and fun ideas. Yarn crafts also require only very minimal materials, which is ideal for parents as the cost of creative projects can otherwise rocket.

Here are some easy yarn crafts that kids will enjoy trying:

Finger Knitting

Finger knitting is fun, easy and doesn’t require any equipment other than yarn! You can also find tutorials online and get to grips with it very quickly.

Pom Pom garland

Pompoms are fun and easy to make and you can create them with your yarn and two circles of cardboard. Once you’ve created the pompoms, string them together with colourful wool or ribbon. You can use super chunky yarn to make these really quickly.

Super Chunky Yarn Blanket

super chunky yarn is fun to work with and it’s really fast, making it a great choice for crafty kids. Why not make a quick blanket or a cushion with the lovely squishy texture that this yarn is known for?

Yarn Art

Grab some glue and you can also make yarn art with colourful string, pens, paper and a bit of creativity. This is great for younger kids who might find knitting and similar crafts a bit too challenging.

French Knitting

Does anyone remember having a little French knitting doll? This is a very simple introduction to crafts such as crochet and it’s great fun to do. You end up with a fantastically long piece of knitted yarn that can then be shaped and sewn to make bigger creative pieces.

Macrame Rainbow

Macrame is also quick and easy for kids to learn and you can make some fantastic wall hangings once you master the basic knots.

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