Banking launches into social networks for greater empathy
Social networks are a great tool as a channel for customer service. A means to promote interactions and promote closeness to the brand. Advantages certainly favor in all sectors, especially those where building trust is essential to keep the customer, such as banks.
Financial institutions are shown as large corporations, where direct communication hampered hardly achievable barriers to customer walk looks, which can lead to question the appropriateness of continuing the relationship with that brand, or decide him to address the competition, at the call of an attractive offer.
It is sad that a customer bet on a mark to the point of giving it the care and custody of their income, and instead, when you stop to think about what is really what brings you to the bank, cannot find motivation one that takes you to continue that relationship.
Therefore, these brands should stop regarded as a basic need, and focus on the customer as the reason for its existence. Which leads them inevitably to work to keep customers at his side, strengthening its corporate pride and creating a sense of belonging to the brand through close treatment.
One possibility is within your reach through social channels. As long as develop a customer-focused, in listen, know and identify their interests strategy. Social networks are not an advertising medium, a means of self-aggrandizement, but an open channel to the conversation.
The bank needs to generate empathy, active listening practice and show its customers accessible. This way you can know the opinion of your target audience, what picture transmit and detect real problems and deficiencies in their service. Customers have the word, you just have to give them a voice and show interest in the message you want to convey.
Once the strategy put in place during the process of creating an integrated community around the brand, is the time to generate that feedback; so useful to improve the user experience and cultivate satisfied customers. Of course, these actions must be part of an integrated strategy, coordinated communication with the actions of offline communication and even direct treatment in the branches. Social networks are nothing more than a tool, an effective means by which to reach the customer, but in no case should replace the face to face.