Companies, employees and social networks not without the 2.0 host manual
Every day that passes, fortunately, we find more companies in social networks.
Broadly speaking, before opening their profiles they have advised, they have identified the social networks they want to address, they have defined a strategy (I hope) and they have appointed a person in charge (Community Manager).
From that moment, the development of the strategy begins, taking care of its community and sharing information and elements of interest, taking care of the image that is transmitted at all times.
In some cases, there is the circumstance that they forget something fundamental: Communicate to their employees who are present in social networks and prepare and make available to them a “good practice guide” in social networks, that is, the Manual of Welcome 2.0
Practically in all companies, when a new person is incorporated, the Welcome Manual is delivered to them, a document that includes everything that the company considers appropriate, to favor the integration of this person in their job and in your work environment
If the company is present in social networks, in addition to a physical work environment, it has a digital work environment in which, surely, many of the workers are already present and active.
Would it be good for a company that an employee makes offensive comments to other users, or simply publish a tweet that contains contradictory information about something that is published in the corporate profile of the same?
Obviously not, especially if we take into account that any activity on the network is registered indefinitely and accessible to any user.
To avoid these conflicts, companies can not ignore the digital environment in which they move and must make available to their employees the Manual of Welcome 2.0, a manual in which they must be collected a series of recommendations for these, or other actions do not affect the reputation of your brand on the Internet.