69% of small and medium enterprises do not measure the return on their advertising investment online
The possibilities of online advertising for small businesses are immense but many of them have no idea if it is reaching potential customers.
This is demonstrated by the results of a recent survey carried out among the owners and managers of 1,800 small and medium-sized companies and in which it is revealed that 69% of the cases do not measure the return on their advertising investment online and only 13, 10% base their decisions when inserting advertising in the generated return itself.
Added to this, the report highlights that 79% of small and medium enterprises do not have a strategy based on online digital business through which to plan their investments, highlighting the confusion surrounding the potential of online advertising.
In the opinion of some experts, making the right decisions about where and how to advertise to find more clients requires a clear vision of how different elements of your advertising are helping to achieve your goals. So the measurement and presentation of reports on the return on investment are one of the most important aspects when analyzing and valuing your investments.
In addition, another of the main problems of these small and medium companies is that they were not sure where to turn for strategic advice on their actions and digital marketing campaigns, which indicates that there is a high level of confusion for them in the market. In this sense, only 4% of these companies are using the services and experience of an online advertising provider. 30% of SMEs decide where and how to advertise based on experience and the way their current customers came to them.
Experts believe that the world of digital media is growing and changing at such a rapid pace that it is not surprising that SMEs are confused, so the possibility of accessing the right professional advice is crucial to get the most out of them. opportunities for advertising and online marketing.