Daily Archive: August 25, 2018

One step beyond the Conjoint: Menu Based Conjoint 0

One step beyond the Conjoint: Menu Based Conjoint

One of the market research tools most commonly used to determine consumers’ purchasing preferences and attitudes is the “Conjoint Analysis”. Since its first development, more than 40 years ago, Conjoint’s techniques have continuously evolved...

Facebook pages do not work for small advertisers 0

Facebook pages do not work for small advertisers

Social networks are not, a priori, the best advertising support for SMEs. This is one of the conclusions exposed by Rubén Iglesias, CEO of Conteneo, in his presentation on advertising strategies for SMEs that took...

Considerations When Looking for a New Delivery Partner 0

Considerations When Looking for a New Delivery Partner

Having a courier company you can rely on that offer a quick efficient and professional service is essential for any business. Bad service can affect your company’s reputation and ultimately the success of your...