How did we get stuff before the internet?
Online shopping is being seen as one of the many reasons why high street retailers are really struggling at the moment. The ability to just switch on your laptop, desktop, tablet or phone and browse through a huge range of products is certainly looking more appealing than risking a trip into town. It’s cheaper and less time consuming for two reasons. Take a look at all the Mens Superdry Clothes from that you can get from the comfort of your own home without all that hustle and bustle, plus queuing in traffic jams, that you would be getting if you’d driving into town.
However the idea of ordering from home is not actually that new. Despite the rise of huge online retailers and their increasing presence there was a way of ordering products without having to go out before Tim Berners-Lee invented the internet. Goods, services and products were all available to view in a form of Google images, they just weren’t on a screen. We are talking of the big glossy brick thick catalogues that every Mum and Gran would have.
The only one worth getting excited about was the Autumn-Winter edition as this had all the toys and games in it. There was also the interesting situation of looking at the massive food hampers that you could order that contained pretty much everything to make Christmas go with a swing. You could even pay it off over 38 weeks of the year!