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5% of reviews, ratings and reviews are false

We all know that the three Rs of social consumer Rating, Review, Recommendation (Rating, Critical Recommendation) govern today’s world of digital commerce and our journey as customers to purchase. But when we try to find which hotel...


Facebook users, hashtags indifferent to brands

Since the June 12 Facebook officially implemented the use of hashtags within your time line, companies have begun to include it in your content strategy in this social network. Thus, the recent report of Simple Measured and indicated...


Don’t cut the cleaning

Businesses currently operating in the tough economic climate will be thinking of where savings can be made and areas that can be cut back on. Don’t be tempted to think you can manage without...


Do not talk about Starbucks and Lady Gaga

I recognize it! I am a fan of Social Media, and as such, consumers of all kinds of information, theories, practices, innovations and good examples.So far, and everything I’ve read and experience, I have taken...


Social media and the balm of Gilead

In the same way that the legendary balm Fierabrás – as you know readers of Don Quixote – promised to cure all ills and known diseases, many companies rush to social networks and or...