Experian analyzes digital marketing trends in the US market

Experian has just presented “The 2010 Digital Marketer Benchmark and Trend Report”, a comprehensive analysis of patterns and preferences of consumption through digital channels of the American population. Designed to help companies to know and connect better with their consumers, the study analyzes the main trends in online advertising, search marketing, e-mailing, mobile marketing and social networks, and analyzes in depth the behavior and preferences of a consumer increasingly prone to the digital experience, which likes to be constantly connected.

The study shows that the Internet continues to be the digital channel par excellence and e-mail is the preferred form of communication. The selection of other channels, however, is influenced by the age of the consumer: if those over 35 opt for traditional media (television or books) as a second option, younger Americans (18-24 years old) show a clear preference for the mobile phone as a channel of information, entertainment and, of course, communication, and thus in this segment the text messages have already surpassed the popularity of e-mail.

As regards the use that consumers make of the Internet, these are some of the trends identified in the study:

Approximately 70% of consumers are informed and compare products and prices on the Internet before making a purchase decision, highlighting the importance of this channel also in offline purchases. Younger buyers also opt for blogs and social networks as a source of product information.

Consumers who most frequently make purchases online are between 25 and 49 years old. They are also those who rely most on the security of payment transactions through the Internet. They also declare that, to the extent that they use the Internet throughout the purchase cycle, the Network has changed its way of buying.

If American consumers over 50 tend to use the Internet mainly as a financial or medical information search tool, younger groups (25 to 49 years old) have incorporated their daily activity (online banking, electronic purchases, access to the press) digital etc.). Below 25 years of age preferences are mainly located in entertainment and socialization activities.

The increased penetration of mobile phones with Internet connection is opening a door to a greater growth of business opportunities through the email channel. More than 40% of American consumers between the ages of 18 and 24 consider that their mobile phone will become their main source of entertainment in the future.

53% of respondents are in favor of receiving news of commercial promotions by e-mail, and 30% would send it to friends. On the other hand, emails have increased 50% directing traffic to online stores, which shows an increase in email marketing strategies “cross-media” (use of several simultaneous media in marketing strategies)

The personalization of emails is an increasingly clear trend. 20% of the “subjects” of the emails include the word “you”. Therefore, the intention to build more personal relationships with the client increases, sending personalized messages. According to a study by Experian QAS in 2008, 85% of commercial efforts focused on customer retention, and on increasing customer revenues.

As Javier Moreno, CEO of Experian Marketing Services, comments, “Even though the vast majority of the information contained in this study refers to the US market, it is also of great value for the European and markets. With the United States at the forefront of the digital revolution, the trends identified in this study will probably reach Europe in a period estimated at around 18 months. The companies that now invest time and effort in analyzing these trends will be placed in a position of competitive advantage when these become a reality. “

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